
Ryan Brady

I was fortunate enough to grow up with a family who loved spending time at the lake. I have been going to Wilson and Milford since I was an infant. The last several years I tend to gravitate towards Wilson. I am blessed with parents who supported my fishing addiction, they even got me a  14 foot aluminum boat when I was 11 or 12 years old and trusted me enough to let me run that 7.5 horse Mercury all over the place. Through the years, I have gained a lot of knowledge from my Dad, uncles and friends.  Striper/wiper is the fish I prize most, no other fish I've caught fights with the heart and ferocity they do. I can't help it, I'm a sucker for a brawl!

A few years ago, a friend won an AMS bow at Knothead's Annual Bowfishing Tournament and let me borrow it.  This added a whole new level of fun to the lake. I soon bought my own bow and began modifying  my boat to better suit both types of fishing.  Bowfishing at night under the lights is an awesome experience. You get to see fish, turtles, and beavers that are hidden under the water in the day light. Then comes the excitement and challenge of trying to hit the carp makes for a very rewarding experience!

My boat is a 24 foot pontoon, we recently added 3 raised platforms in the front for bowfishing along with the ability to run up to 15 lights. I have the back of the boat set up for fighting striper with a fairly open layout and plenty of rod holders.